To install the package,
If you are online use: pip install nameofpackage
if you offline use: pip install downloadedWHLfilename
To upgrade the package module use: pip install nameofpackage -upgrade
If no package or module end were shown after running the script, here is the solutions:
# 1. Upgrade the packages that related with the module; Find the information you need in the Q/A forum (google it)
No package for statsmodels.tsa.stattools
You should have a Scipy module! Yes there is a Scipy module in your Python library....
But you should have the new ones .... So, you need to upgrade the SciPy packaged ......use upgrade function, please......
Meanwhile you can search another informations...
Ooooo we found from
But, it's written :"you need to install numpy + mkl before installing scipy".
So, noted it
#2. Offline mode: Download the whl file from this website: select that match with the Python version
We need module Scikit-learn
Download it and install using the whl file
Hope u solve the problems!!